lunch reading

In an effort to stay somewhat sane and connected to the real world while I’m in school, I’ve decided to try to read one article from the weekly “best of Longreads” email each day during lunch. I’ve justified this in my mind by telling myself that I probably can’t outline cases while eating (and enjoying!) my bento lunches.
So today I started with this article, “The Woman in 606” from The Stranger. The article chronicles Christopher Frizzelle’s search for answers after a neighbor jumps from her apartment window. Personally, I had no idea that marijuana could interact with pre-existing trauma or mental illness. Part of me wishes that I had known that this research was out there when I was working with my students at the detention center.
But Fizzelle’s story also reminded me how isolated we are in the United States especially, and how desperately connection with other people is needed. An important reminder as I work towards being a non-isolated commuter.
And now, I fear, I cannot procrastinate my class readings and outlining any longer.